Josh Alexander Lavishes Praise On Will Ospreay & Alex Shelley

On a recent edition of “The Kurt Angle Show” podcast, former TNA World Heavyweight Champion Josh Alexander discussed returning from a torn triceps injury, facing Will Ospreay and Alex Shelley, and more.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On returning from torn triceps and facing Will Ospreay: “It was all, it was about eight or nine months from that point to returning and getting in the ring for this match specifically. And it was all just a buildup. You know, when you hurt yourself, you question yourself, you question if you are still as good as you used to be, if you can still produce and all that stuff. And I went through all those mental hurdles the entire way back I returned. I wrestled Steve Maclin, I had a bunch of matches, I wrestled Alec Shelly the evening before this match. And the entire time I questioned myself. I never quite felt like myself, but I knew this was a huge opportunity for me. Will Osprey has a lot of eyes on him across the world. He’s been like the go-to guy for all of New Japan Wrestling and across everywhere, the hottest free agent in the business at the time at this match.

“And I just knew it was a great opportunity for both myself and the company, you know, to get eyes on it. And one more little thing, you know, you talked about me returning from a tricep tear and stuff. The evening before this match, I tore my teres major, which is a muscle in my shoulder when I wrestled Alex Shelley, midway through the match. And I woke up the next morning, and you know I did what I do. I stretched out, moved around, and saw how I felt. And I knew I could do this match. There was no way it was gonna get taken away from me. So I went through the medicals and passed all that to make sure I’d get the ring that day. But you know, everything I did here hurt my entire left arm was just scorching and pain this whole match.”

On wrestling Alex Shelley at Bound For Glory 2023: “The main event with Alex Shelley, we main evented Bound For Glory. It was my third straight Bound for Glory main event, and it was just kind of a return to form for me. Getting in the ring, getting — you know, feeling that pressure of that situation being the ones that have to go headline the show and stuff like that. It’s the first time I had to do that since I came back from the injury. So being in there somebody like Alex Shelley, who is as good as he is, he really helped me along and just got me way more comfortable for what I could parley into the next evening, which is this match here with Will Ospreay.”

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