Billy Corgan Wanted Dixie Carter To Give Control Of TNA To Paul Heyman
Billy Corgan tried to persuade Dixie Carter to hire Paul Heyman to TNA/Impact Wrestling and argued that Carter should give Heyman whatever he wanted.
Heyman was in talks with TNA over a decade ago but reportedly wanted a lot of control over the promotion that fans know today as Impact Wrestling.
During a recent edition of “The Kurt Angle Show,” Corgan recalled speaking with then-TNA head Dixie Carter about Heyman. He said,
“I’m sitting at a table, and she says, ‘If you were me, would you hire Paul Heyman?’ I said, ‘Give him whatever he wants.’ She told me what he wanted. It was a big pile of money and he wanted absolute total control. He gave one interview where he later said, after the whole thing didn’t happen and he was back working with WWE, he said what he would have done, and he said he would have cleaned out every veteran except [Kurt].
“He would have kept Kurt Angle, went young, and went more MMA-shooter style. It was very interesting. Back to the conversation with Dixie. I said, ‘Please, give him whatever he wants.’ ‘Well, he wants this and that. He wants total control of my company.’ I said, ‘Please, give it to him. Number one, your ratings will double overnight. Number two, you’ll get all the smart marks off your back, instantly. Number three, they’ll hail you as a genius for bringing in Heyman. Number four, the company will be on fire within six months. I guarantee it. Just do it.’
“She said, ‘what about giving up control?’ I said, ‘I don’t care, just give it to him.’ I begged her. Imagine what that company would have been, with that roster, or whoever he would have brought it. It would have been hot fire. I think she was very reluctant to give up control.”
Heyman would not sign with TNA Wrestling and would instead return to WWE in 2012 where he continues to appear on-screen to this day.
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